Charts and knitting instruction back&forth/circular HOME
A Complete Difference between Back&Forth and Circular knitting

2. Charts and Knitting Instructions - Back&Forth/Circular

There are two way to make fabrics; back-and-forth knitting and circular knitting. The back-and-forth knitting is the way to work looking right side of the fabric and wrong side of the fabric row by row. On the contrary, circular knitting is the way to work looking right side. This difference concerns the way to read graphical charts. If back-and-forth method are required, you have to reverse the rows which you'll knit looking wrong side(usually the row numbers are even) in your head. This means you must read the cart left to right instead of right to left. Not only that, you must think of the contrary stitches of the symbols indicate. For example, on the wrong side rows, if the symbol were 'knit-stitch' then you would work 'purl-stitch' and vice versa.

However, if you work circular method, you need not to bother about the wrong side. You can read the chart always right to left and you can read the stitch symbols as they are.

The chartThe way of workingThe working order

The above left chart shows a stocking stitch fabric, 10 stitches by 8 rows with back-and-forth knitting. The middle diagram shows the stitches which you actually work. The right diagram shows the order to be worked.

The chartThe way of workingThe working order

The above left chart shows a stocking stitch fabric, 10 stitches a round by 8 rows, with circular knitting method. The circular knitting is the method with always facing right side(outside). The method creates a seamless round fabric. Of course the chart have to be represented as a flat piece by cutting off the fabric. Sometimes, the dotted lines are using to show the cutting off line(middle chart).

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